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Clove Dental Clinic

Overview of Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

A tooth’s outer portion or Crown consists of a three-layered structure, including Enamel, Dentin, & Pulp. If the tooth decay is limited to the first two layers, it can be corrected with Filling or Restoration. In case the tooth decay reaches the third layer and causes inflammation or infection of the pulp, a Root Canal Treatment (RCT) is needed.

What is Root Canal Treatment?

Root Canal Treatment (RCT) or Endodontic Treatment, is a dental procedure done when tooth decay reaches the pulp (innermost layer of the tooth), causing inflammation. It is necessary to save the damaged tooth to prevent extraction. An endodontist (Root Canal specialist) performs this procedure. The procedure involves.

  1. Removal of inflamed or infected Tooth Material.
  2. Cleaning and disinfection.
  3. Fill and seal with an inert material.
  4. Restoration and crown/cap.

Root Canal Treatment is a multi-step procedure and requires multiple sittings.

Talk to an Endodontist



Root Canal Treatment (RCT) is done on a damaged or infected tooth. It is essential to get the Root Canal Treatment as

  1. Root Canal Treatment is necessary to remove the infected pulp and alleviate the associated pain.
  2. If the infection in the pulp is not treated promptly, it can lead to a dental abscess. An abscess is a pocket of pus that can cause swelling, severe pain, and damage to the surrounding bone. Root Canal therapy helps to eliminate the infection and prevent the abscess from spreading.
  3. Root Canal Treatment becomes necessary when tooth decay progresses to the point where it reaches the pulp. The decayed portion of the tooth is removed, and the canal is cleaned and sealed to prevent further infection.
  4. Persistent and intense toothache, especially when chewing or applying pressure, can indicate a problem with the pulp. Root Canal therapy is often recommended to alleviate pain and save the tooth.
  5. Deep fractures or cracks in the tooth can expose the pulp to bacteria, leading to infection. Root Canal treatment is necessary to remove the damaged pulp and restore the tooth’s structural integrity.

Root Canal Treatment Price in India

The Root Canal cost depends on the location and health of the affected tooth. If the infection in your tooth is not treated, it might spread to adjacent teeth and gums or even travel to other parts of your body, which will become more expensive.

At Clove Dental, our commitment is to provide dental care that’s both safe and affordable. Regarding dental issues, RCT or Root Canal Treatment cost can be a significant concern for many. Considering this concern, our RCT treatments, led by experienced Endodontists, start at a reasonable price of Rs. 5,350. Our Re-Root Canal treatment price starts at Rs. 10,100.

Clove Dental also offers payment plans and EMIs on specific treatments along with offers.

Click here to connect with us to know more.

Root Canal vs. Extraction

Description Root Canal Treatment Tooth Extraction
Function Save and restore a diseased tooth Remove a severely damaged tooth
Procedure Cleaning and sealing the tooth Removal of the entire tooth
Pain Level Mild to moderate discomfort during and after Some discomfort during and after
Recovering from Root Canal Treatment Typically, 1-2 days of mild discomfort Longer recovery may take a week or more
Preservation Preserves natural tooth structure Results in the loss of the natural tooth
Follow-up Treatment Restoration (crown) often required Replacement options needed (implant, bridge, denture)
Cost Generally less expensive initially It may be more expensive, considering replacement options
Aesthetics Maintains natural appearance Requires additional prosthetic work for aesthetics
Long-term Impact Retains natural tooth functionality Alters bite and may require additional dental work

Symptoms for which Root Canal Treatment is Required

  1. Persistent and intense pain, especially when chewing or applying pressure to the tooth.
  2. Increased sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures that lingers after removing the temperature stimulus.
  3. Swelling and tenderness in the gums near the affected tooth.
  4. Discoloration or darkening of the tooth may indicate damage to the pulp inside.
  5. Pain or discomfort while chewing, biting, or applying pressure to the tooth.
  6. Radiating Pain from one area of the mouth to another, indicating potential nerve involvement.


The long-term consequences of neglecting a Root Canal Treatment can be significant. Initially, persistent pain and discomfort may intensify, affecting one’s quality of life. As the infection progresses, the risk of spreading to surrounding tissues increases, potentially leading to abscesses and facial swelling. Left untreated, the tooth may reach a point where it cannot be saved, resulting in permanent tooth loss.

Beyond the oral cavity, systemic infections may develop, posing a risk to overall health. Timely intervention with a Root Canal helps prevent these long-term consequences by addressing the underlying issue, eliminating infection, and preserving the natural tooth structure. Regular dental check-ups and prompt treatment are essential to ensure oral health and prevent complications that may arise from untreated dental conditions.


Step 1:

The very first step involves an X-ray, which is taken to determine the extent of infection and its approach. If required, local anesthesia is administered before starting the treatment.

Step 2:

The next step is Cavity Preparation. A cavity is prepared, making sure all the infected tooth material or previous filling material is removed and a proper approach to the inner part of the tooth (pulp) is established.

Step 3:

This is followed by disinfection and shaping of pulp canals. The infected pulp is cleared out completely; canals are shaped and cleaned. Thorough disinfection is achieved.

Step 4:

Clean and disinfected canals are sealed and filled with an inert filling material known as Gutta-Percha.

Step 5:

The very last step is restoration & crown. The crown portion of the tooth cavity is then restored with a filling, followed by a Cap/Crown cementation.


  1. Do not put pressure on the tooth. Since there is no crown, the tooth is unprotected, and as a result, putting pressure on it can cause damage to the tooth
  2. Avoid hard and crunchy food; chew soft food until final restoration
  3. Be careful while brushing. Do not be too harsh while brushing
  4. Get a dental crown as soon as possible to protect your tooth from further damage
  5. Visit your Endodontist if you face any complexities or severe pain

Benefits of Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment offers several benefits including:

  1. Alleviates severe tooth pain by removing infected pulp
  2. Maintains original tooth structure, avoiding extraction
  3. Stops the spread of infection to adjacent tissues
  4. Restores normal biting, chewing, and speech functions
  5. Preserve natural teeth, preventing potential issues
  6. Maintains jawbone integrity by keeping the natural tooth in place
  7. Preserve a natural appearance and smile
  8. Long-term savings compared to extraction and replacement options
  9. Reduces the chances of the formation of painful dental abscesses
  10. With proper care, a treated tooth can last a lifetime

Are there any side effects of the Root Canal Procedure?

Root Canals are standard dental procedures aimed at treating tooth infections or decay. While generally safe and effective, potential risks include infection, pain, instrument fracture, and other complications that require careful consideration.

  1. Infection: Risk of persistent or new infections in the tooth.
  2. Pain: Potential for post-operative discomfort or pain.
  3. Instrument fracture: Rare risk of dental instrument breakage during the procedure.
  4. Nerve damage: Rare risk of injury to surrounding nerves.
  5. Crown fracture: Risk of tooth crown fracture, especially in weakened teeth.
  6. Missed canals: Possibility of overlooking additional Root Canals.
  7. Discoloration: Tooth discoloration may occur over time.
  8. Filling issues: Filling materials can leak or break down.
  9. Postoperative complications: Swelling, bruising, or other issues may arise after the procedure.

Myths About Root Canals

Myth: Root Canals are Painful
Fact: Advances in dental technology and anesthesia advances make modern Root Canals relatively painless.

Myth: Root Canals Cause Illness
Fact: Scientific research has not established any connection between Root Canals and systemic health issues. The procedure is designed to eliminate infection and promote overall health.

Myth: Tooth Extraction is a Better Alternative
Fact: Saving a natural tooth through a Root Canal is generally preferred over extraction. Losing a tooth can lead to issues like misalignment, bone loss, and further dental complications.

Myth: There’s a belief that a tooth becomes weak after a Root Canal.
Fact: A tooth that has undergone a Root canal is usually reinforced with a dental crown, which provides strength and protection. The restoration process helps maintain the tooth’s functionality.

Myth: Root Canals are Only for Old People
Fact: Tooth infections can occur at any age. Root canals are necessary when the pulp inside a tooth becomes infected or damaged, regardless of age.

Learn more About Root Canal Treatment by following our Filling and Root Canal Blog.


1. What is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a dental procedure to treat infection or damage in the pulp (nerve) of a tooth by removing the affected tissue and sealing the canal.

2. How long does Root Canal last for?

Most of the root canal treated teeth survive for 8 to 10 years. Having a crown fitted to the tooth after Root Canal Treatment is important for improving tooth survival rates. If you keep your teeth clean, your treated tooth should survive for a long time.

3. Is Root Canal Process Painful?

The main goal of a Root Canal Treatment (RCT) is to relieve pain, not cause it. Modern techniques and local anesthesia make the process smooth and painless. So, there’s no need to fear or delay getting one if your Endodontist recommends it.

4. How to know if you need a Root Canal?

Signs of needing a Root Canal include severe tooth pain, sensitivity to hot or cold, swelling, and tenderness in the surrounding gums.

5. How does Endodontic Treatment save the tooth?

Endodontic treatment saves the tooth by removing infected or damaged pulp, cleaning and shaping the Root Canals, and sealing the space to prevent further infection.

6. Will I feel pain during or after the Root Canal?

During a Root Canal, you will typically not feel pain as the area is numbed with local anesthesia. After the procedure, some discomfort is possible, but it can be managed with over-the-counter or prescribed pain medication.

7. What is the Step-by-Step Endodontic Procedure?

Perform a diagnosis through examination and X-rays, then conduct a painless Root Canal procedure involving anesthesia, isolation, access, cleaning, shaping, filling, and post-procedure recovery with medication.

8. How much will the Root Canal Procedure Cost?

The Root Canal procedure at Clove Dental starts from Rs. 5350.

9. Will the tooth need any special care or additional treatment after endodontic treatment?

Regular oral hygiene practices and routine dental check-ups are essential for long-term care.

10. Can all teeth be treated Endodontically?

Most teeth can generally be treated endodontically (with a Root Canal). However, the procedure’s feasibility depends on various factors, such as the extent of damage. Sometimes, a tooth may be too severely compromised, and extraction may be the only viable option.

11. What can I eat after a Root Canal?

After a Root Canal, consider eating soft foods like khichdi, dal, yogurt, or mashed vegetables. Avoid extremely hot or cold items and gradually reintroduce your regular diet based on your dentist’s recommendations.

12. What to expect after a Root Canal?

After a Root Canal, you can expect some temporary sensitivity or discomfort, which can be managed with over-the-counter pain medication.

13. Does a Root Canal kill the Tooth?

No, a Root Canal does not kill the tooth. It involves removing the infected or damaged pulp, cleaning, shaping, and sealing the Root Canals to save the tooth and alleviate pain caused by the infection.

14. Do you need a Crown after a Root Canal?

A crown is needed after a Root Canal to provide additional support and protection to the treated tooth, ensuring its long-term strength and function.

15. Can a Root Canal Fail?

Yes, although rare, a Root Canal can fail if there is a persistent infection, undetected canal, or incomplete sealing of the tooth. Additional treatment or a repeat of the Root Canal may be necessary in such cases.

16. What happens if you don’t get a Root Canal?

If you don’t get a Root Canal for a tooth with infected or damaged pulp, the infection can spread, leading to severe pain, abscess formation, and potential tooth loss. Ignoring the need for a Root Canal may result in more extensive and costly dental issues.

17. Do Root Canals cause Cancer?

No, there is no evidence to suggest that Root Canals cause cancer. Root Canals are a standard dental procedure to treat infections or damage within the tooth and are not linked to cancer development.

18. Can I brush my teeth after a Root Canal?

Yes, you can brush your teeth after a Root Canal. However, be gentle around the treated area, especially if there is any temporary sensitivity

19. Will a Tooth turn black after a Root Canal?

No, a tooth typically does not turn black after a Root Canal.

20. How many visits does a Root Canal Take?

A Root Canal procedure typically requires three to four visits, but the number can vary depending on the complexity of the case and the presence of infection. Your dentist will provide a more accurate estimate based on your specific situation.

21. Can you Smoke after a Root Canal?

It is advisable to avoid smoking after a Root Canal, as smoking can hinder the healing process and increase the risk of complications.

22. Can I drive after a Root Canal?

After a Root Canal, driving is typically fine as the procedure itself doesn’t affect your ability to operate a vehicle.

23. What kind of Dentist does Root Canals?

Endodontists are specialists who primarily perform Root Canal procedures. General Dentists can also perform this procedure.3s

24. What Is Dental Pulp?

Dental pulp is the soft, innermost tissue within a tooth, containing nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue.

25. Why Does the Pulp Need to Be Removed?

The pulp needs to be removed when it becomes infected, inflamed, or damaged due to factors such as deep decay, cracks, or trauma. Removing the affected pulp through a Root Canal procedure is necessary to alleviate pain, prevent the spread of infection, and save the tooth from further damage or potential loss.

26. What damages a Tooth’s Pulp in the first place?

The pulp of a tooth can be damaged due to factors such as deep cavities, untreated decay, cracks, trauma, repeated dental procedures on the same tooth, or a faulty crown. These issues can lead to inflammation or infection of the pulp, requiring intervention through a Root Canal procedure.

Medically Reviewed
Last Reviewed by Clove Clinical Team on May 08, 2024 | Written by Dr. Akhilesh Bhasker, BDS, MDS.